The Roll Of John Sit - Pok Hon Sit
  The Newspaper Article Posted all over the clubs, in girls change room, in the kitchen, on the front doors, in the hallways of the four (4) clubs owned by John Sit (Pok Hon Sit) Dancers were threatened with promises of termination if they were caught removing the article by all management staff.

Posting copies of the newsprint, it was said to set a statement for all who entered the clubs about the Satellite Repair Man, and remained on the walls for over 3 months.

Managers and staff of John Sit were advised by him, that the man was a pimp. this being from information Sit received by the Peel Regional Police.

In court, John Sit, attitude changed drastically from early days of 2006, he now denies that Hugh Ford is a pimp, unless proven in court. (nice save) and also that Hugh Ford has only been banned from all his establishments if arrested or convicted for a crime at one of his clubs, standard practice he claims and could return if deemed the allegations proven false.

John Sit states he went to see the Peel Regional Police vice unit officers with his lawyer in 2007 and drafted the Trespass Notice.

Peel Regional Police have denied knowing anything about the Trespass Notice, although it has the number on the form and extension for Dancers to contact if served with the paper, in order to be able to "Clear Things UP" and return to work at the clubs, seemingly to be run by Peel Vice Unit.

John Sit, Strip Club Owner, briefly went into the businesses he ownes in Nova Scotia. and explained he is also engaged in another legal battle with managers who had been terminated from the clubs that he owned.


Nearly Shot By Peel Regional Police:
Oops Wrong Guy

In The Hopes That Hugh Ford Would Breached His Bail, As A Means To Have Him Arrested & Bail Revoked.

Peel Regional Police heavily monitored the location of 76 Corby Crescent, for a glimmer and glimpse of Hugh Ford returning to his home . This would have been a direct violation of his bail conditions and a great opportunity to have the man they desperately sought to have back in jail.

One sunny afternoon, a man arrived into the vicinity of McMurchy and Queen, and proceeded to drive to the house. The man was black and drove a nice car.

To make matters worse, he entered the house with keys as if he lived there. A short while later, the man exited and left the residence. without much thought to his well being.

In a horrific turn of events, the man was rushed by several under cover Peel Regional Police and The intersection where he was stopped had now been blocked with SWAT cars.

The "Nice Car" had been cut off by the tactical van in the process, leaving front end damage to his BMW. .As the officers jumped out of their vehicles, guns drawn at the temple of the man's head, as he was threatened and ordered to exit the vehicle.

Peel Regional Police pointing guns believed that this was Hugh Ford.

After realizing their horrendous mistake on the part of the Peel Regional Police, they offer an apology to Hugh's Uncle before speeding off, and offer to pay for the damages of his car - by way of letter.

According to Det. Randy Cowan #1195, these were not his usual officers, they were part of a "Special Unit" that did not know what Mr. Ford Looked like.

Another Sad Case of Poor Mistaken Identity On The Behalf of Peel Regional Police.



Cst. Jason Watson #1898 talked about the meetings with Tamara Cherry Toronto Sun Media Reporter, who has written a whole series on Human Trafficking and cases by Peel Regional Police Vice Unit.
Tamara Cherry gifted with an award from Peel Regional Police for stories sponsored by Peel Vice Unit.
Cst. Jason Watson #1898 confirms the vice unit invited and sat with Tamara Cherry many times to discuss
Cst. Jason Watson feels that the girls should tell their stories in the News paper.

One such story is "Tina The Sex Slave" and "Tina Slave To A Pimp", which again, shortly after statements to police, Tina is sponsored back into the life of prostitution with the help of Peel Regional Police. And has been seen selling sex on The Craig's List Web site for the Mississauga / Airport area.

Tina The Sex Slave (Real Name: Melissa Tremblet of Mississauga, Ontario) is not related to the Gadget Story

Links To Other Tamara Cherry Stories (Coming Soon)



Photo Pam Douglas - The Brampton Guardian
Article Written by Pam Douglas and Det. Randy Cowan Peel Regional Police
2006 Article